October 20, 2021
If you haven’t already…you will hear now! Saturday November 6th from 12pm-3pm RRI will be hosting our first ever sip and shop in our new headquarters! We are so excited to not only be selling hand picked curated RRI product, but we have teamed up with some of our favorite local SCV vendors to partake in the festivities as well!
Lets talk about what you ALL want to know…the details on this RRI collection! We as designers have struggled for years to find accessories that have the RRI look that are local to the Santa Clarita Valley. We find ourselves traveling quite the distance to find unique accessories we can place in our clients homes. Unfortunately, Home Goods and Hobby Lobby accessories are just not cutting it! So if we are having trouble finding good decor pieces, I know the rest of the valley is in the same boat!

Well here it is. Pieces that are all hand picked by the RRI team and myself, decor items that are not only the RRI look but also now available in the RRI design office! These are all items that I would personally put either in my home or my clients homes. They have the textures, and the colors, and the perfectly un-perfect look to them! They are the raw, and organic and very earthy tones that pair so effortless with our designs.
They are items that can be placed on your kitchen countertops, entryway trays, or even stand alone pieces that can be added to any open shelving of bookshelf. These are items you just simply cannot get in our valley. Except NOW. These pieces are so unique and so different than things that you can find locally. No more walking down tons of accessory isles with hundreds of random vases right next to the dog toys..come shop our strategically put together RRI custom looks!
My goal when selecting each individual piece was the longevity..i wanted these pieces to be timeless. To be able to be used when each new trends come in and out. And to be able to be brought in to multiple different styles too. Not everybody (although they should!) has a house designed by RRI. Some people have more of an eclectic house with a few different styles and i wanted these product to work with that! These are not items that will be donated come next season. Accessories add up..believe me, when we are styling our finished projects we spend quite a pretty penny bringing in all the accessories. But the right accessories make the space pop. They are like the bow on the present. These decor items are the wrapping and the bow to your home. Don’t be afraid to spend a little to have pieces that will grow with you.