July 13, 2022
accessories, bathroom, family room, Game Room, home design, interior design, kitchen, kitchen accessories, neutral, pattern tile, remodel, tile
The question everybody asks when embarking on a remodel…why should I hire a designer? And my response…why should you not! Ok not all the time but most of the time I laugh when people ask me that! But seriously, a lot of homeowners don’t understand what some of the perks are when working with a designer, so let me enlighten you!

Our clients will get access to wholesale products that are not available to the average consumer. Items that are not readily available to the public which makes your home truly unique and stand out from the rest. Isn’t that what you want when you are working with a professional..something totally different than the rest!?

The RRI team also visits our industry market weeks throughout the United States to see the newest products coming out which then gives us an opportunity to see, touch, and sit in furniture pieces before they are available to anyone else! We get an inside look at the newest lighting & plumbing fixtures, so we can start sourcing them for projects before they are even at the showrooms. We get to touch and even lay on the rugs before anyone else…i mean it really is the most magical week for us!

You also get a cohesive design that has every element and then some. A design you never even dreamed of. A design that is still very much YOU but has elements you never thought imaginable. You know you are going to have a one of a kind design that has every detail thoroughly thought and planned out. Like down to the last accessory item placed on the shelves!

True artisans that take pride in their work and think every construction detail through. Craftsmen that are building your home with not only love but pride. Tile installers that take our designs and make them reality and executed exactly as designed. Custom workrooms that create the most magical sofas and wood pieces with the dreamiest stains and fabrics. These are not ikea pieces people. These are true solid wood pieces of furniture that will last a lifetime!

Working with an interior designer is a luxury. But when embarking on a remodel, don’t you want to do it right the first time, never having to second guess if what you are doing looks good together or coordinates together. The layers, the textures, the “moments” in each room. That is what RRI is all about!