December 5, 2021
We are diving into getting those countertops to look like I came in and professionally styled your kitchen! It’s all about the styling that is done in any space that really makes you go WOW. You know..when you walk into a model home and you are blown away because of how “put together” it looks…that mostly comes from the styling!

Were talking 4 easy steps you can do to give your kitchen that “put together, like RRI just styled it” look!
*Declutter and remove EVERYTHING off your countertops. You don’t want your kitchen turning into a catch all for mail, purses, keys, kids homework..believe me when I say i have seen it all! Your kitchen should be a place that inspires you. A place that you want to be in to cook, and meal prep, and i know i with the kids homework! The kitchen is by far the most used area of the house. It really is the heart of the home. My kids sit at the island and do their homework while I’m doing dishes, cooking, pouring wine..lots and lots of wine!
You want to start with a clean slate. Wipe them down get it looking like you just moved in…NOTHING on the countertops.

**Lets start with adding back items that are essential. NO, the 8 year old toaster that you use twice a month is not essential. Put that away in a place you can take out and use when you need. (unless you have a Smeg toaster..that can then stay out on the countertop!)

Knives are used almost daily for cooking but they are not always pretty to look at..invest in a good knife set that is also appealing to the eye! Im a fan of any knife set that has an acrylic stand…they are not as bulky and pair well in any kitchen!
The big items like coffee makers obviously are a must. Lets just keep the blender put away so you don’t go back to crowding your countertops with big heavy appliances. Also lets keep the coffee pods or coffee grounds put away as well..unless you are going to put them in a decorative canister on your countertop..we will get to that next!

So basically…less is more. Less bulky large appliances the better. Keep only what you NEED out!
***Create groupings. Layer cutting boards of all different sizes and colors to add back some warmth and texture.

Add a tray with a cook book and cooking oils..this is also a great place to put out your cooking utensils..trays are the perfect addition to any kitchen. It gives everything you have out, a purpose and place. It also just adds style!

Add some decorative salt bowls for your salt and pepper instead of your grocery store grinders! BTW I have these in my shop if you are local and want to add some of these to your kitchen!

If you want to add some decorative canisters, this is the perfect place to do it. I would stick to 2 medium sized canisters and pair them side by side. This is where you can place your coffee grounds, protein powder, coffee pods, etc. Here is a little tip..pick ones that are not clear. You don’t want to see peoples black coffee grounds or white protein powder. Find some solid neutral ones that will look visually better!

****Add the final touches back in for some more added texture and layers.
I love to display my dishes on open shelving (as long as they are all coordinating in neutral colors). This also makes them easily accessible!

Adding in some greenery always brings the kitchen back to life. A good wood succulent boat or decorative vase with some eucalyptus is a must!
Last tip..don’t forget about your sink area. Add a small ceramic tray and purchase some matching hand soap and dish soap pumps and put those in the tray. That is also a great place to add the sponge. Its all about the details!
All of these items and so much more can be purchased at our shop located in our design offices! If you are local to the Santa Clarita Valley I encourage you to come check it out!